We don't know about you, but we love golf. We love the smell of the fresh-cut grass, the sound of the ball being struck by the club, and the feeling of sinking a long putt. But there's one thing that we don't love about golf: the sun in our eyes.

Don't get us wrong, we love sunny days. But when we're trying to follow the flight of the golf ball and the sun is in our eyes, it's not so fun. That's why we always wear polarized sunglasses when we play golf. And trust us, they make a world of difference.

Most people think that any old pair of sunglasses will do when they're playing golf. But the truth is, not all sunglasses are created equal. In fact, if you want to perform your best on the course, you should really be using polarized sunglasses. Here's why!

How Do Polarized Sunglasses Work?

Polarized sunglasses work by reducing glare. Glare is caused by sunlight reflecting off surfaces like water, sand, pavement, and grass. When light reflects off of these surfaces, it becomes scattered and unfocused. This can make it difficult to see clearly. Polarized lenses have a special filter that blocks out this type of reflected light, making it easier to see. This is especially helpful when you're trying to follow the flight of the ball.

Why Are They Good for Golf?

Polarized sunglasses are good for golf because they help reduce glare and improve your vision. When you're trying to line up your shot, any distraction can throw off your game. By eliminating glare, polarized sunglasses help you focus on the task at hand: hitting your approach shot to the green.

Polarized sunglasses improve contrast. This means that you'll be able to see more clearly when it's super bright out. This can be especially helpful when trying to track a ball in flight. And when you see more clearly, you can make better shots.

And after you hit it, you want to be able to watch the ball flight. This is critical. Sometimes you can strike the ball flush but it doesn't go where you want it to. What if you don't see where it goes? A lost ball certainly won't help your score.

Plus, knowing your ball flight helps you understand how well you're striking the golf ball. More importantly, it can help you make small adjustments in your swing so that you can hit more greens. If you can't see your ball you may not know what you're doing wrong or right. When you can see better, you can play better.

In addition, polarized lenses can also help reduce eye fatigue. If you've ever come off the golf course with a headache, it could be because you were squinting to see through the bright sunshine. Wearing polarized sunglasses can help prevent this type of eye strain.

Polarized sunglasses protect your eyes from UV rays. Prolonged exposure to UV rays can lead to a number of problems. By wearing polarized sunglasses, you can help keep your eyes healthy and reduce your risk of developing severe conditions down the road.

When not to Wear Polarized Sunglasses

When you're on the green wearing polarized sunglasses is not a good idea because you will not be able to read the green properly. Remember polarized lenses reduce the glare reflecting off of the grass. The problem with this is you will not be able to see the lighter and darker shades of green or that sheen that show you which way the grain is going.

So there you have it - plenty of good reasons to wear polarized sunglasses next time you hit the links. Not only will they help you to see better and perform at your best, but they'll also protect your eyes from harmful UV rays.

If you haven't already made the switch to polarized lenses, what are you waiting for? See below - your game will thank you!